ES.nextNews: the latest in JavaScript and cross-platform tools
Curated by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer and Johannes Weber. News

The latest in JavaScript and cross-platform tools News has been covering cross-platform JavaScript tools (in addition to language features, which are our core mission) for a while. We are now making that official by mentioning it in our tag line: “ News: The latest in JavaScript and cross-platform tools

Planning for Babel 7.0 @left_pad

Deploying ES2015+ Code in Production Today @philwalton

Modern modules: re-thinking the Node.js ecosystem for modern JavaScript @mikeal

JSC.js: JavaScriptCore Compiled to WebAssembly @mbbill

So how does Babel even work? [22min video] @left_pad


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How to Ensure JavaScript Code Quality
DeepScan is a cutting-edge static analysis tool for your JavaScript, TypeScript and React code. It targets runtime errors and quality issues rather than coding conventions. Get started free for open source projects on GitHub.

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