ES.nextNews: the latest in JavaScript and cross-platform tools
Curated by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer and Johannes Weber.
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The latest in JavaScript and cross-platform tools

Keeping Node.js Fast: Tools, Techniques, And Tips For Making High-Performance Node.js Servers

Overscripted: large-scale analysis of JS execution on the web

Front-End Software Engineer (SF)
Restless Bandit was founded in 2014 by the team who created Bright (acquired by LinkedIn in 2014), and includes multiple PhDs and people who've worked at Google, Zenefits, Simply Hired, SmartRecruiters, and other top companies. Sponsor

Easy Dynamic Regular Expressions with Tagged Template Literals and Proxies

Concurrent marking in V8
@payerhannes, @mlippautz, github/ulan

10 Things I Regret About Node.js [27-min. video]

Need a course to broaden your skill set?
With Udemy, you can find the best of them. From web dev beginners courses to accelerated JavaScript training, Udemy has something for everyone. Take top-rated courses from our master instructors & join students around the world who choose Udemy to discover new skills and passions. Sponsor

TypeScript and Flow

TypeScript enums explained

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