ES.nextNews: the latest in JavaScript and cross-platform tools
Curated by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer and Johannes Weber.
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The latest in JavaScript and cross-platform tools

Dear readers!

This is the last issue of this year. Thanks for your support in 2019 – this newsletter now has over 11,000 subscribers! We wish you happy holidays and New Year! See you on 14 January 2020,
Axel and Jowe

The state of JavaScript 2019: results of the survey

Feature watch: ECMAScript 2020

V8 release v8.0: optional chaining, nullish coalescing, and more, @v8js

RegExp match indices: get [start,end] pairs for captures of groups, @v8js

Implement your own file system via fuse-native (Node.js bindings for FUSE)
github.comgithub/andrewosh, @mafintosh

The people behind JavaScript: Yulia Startsev, @sveinpg
Yulia Startsev is Spidermonkey developer and co-chair of Ecma’s TC39. The chair group helps facilitate the plenary meetings, which are face to face meetings that happen 6 times a year. They also do back office tasks like helping new members get started.

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