ES.nextNews: the latest in JavaScript and cross-platform tools
Curated by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer and Johannes Weber. News

The latest in JavaScript and cross-platform tools

Dear readers!

We are taking a summer break and will be back in late September. Until then, we wish you all the best!

Axel & Jowe

Yarn 3.0: performance, esbuild, better patches, and more, @yarnpkg

Cancelling asynchronous operations in the Node.js via AbortController and AbortSignal, @NearForm

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JavaScript Promises: then(f,f) vs then(f).catch(f)

Stefan’s Web Weekly
A newsletter to start every week with quick to read Web Development learnings, productivity tricks, useful GitHub projects, and music that keeps you going. Partner

Spring Cleaning MDN: content management switches from a wiki to GitHub, @MozDevNet, @mozhacks

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