ECMAScript proposal: searching Arrays from end to start via .findLast() and .findLastIndex()
A proposal to add the methods .find() and .findIndex() to Arrays and Typed Arrays.
Import JSON in ES modules on Node.js
Starting with Node.js v17 (soon backported to v16), it is possible to import JSON files in ES modules. To do so, we need to use an import assertion:
import packageJsonExample1 from "./package.json" assert { type: "json" };
Automatically cancel async operations with AbortSignal.timeout()
There’s now a built-in way to automatically cancel an async operation after a specified amount of time in Node.js: AbortSignal.timeout()
You could use it to automatically cancel slow HTTP requests, for example.
Parcel v2.4.0: Parcel CSS becomes default CSS processor
Parcel CSS is now the default CSS transformer and minifier. Several new features were added to Parcel CSS since its publication.
Introducing MDN Plus [paid subscription service with additional features]
MDN Plus is a paid subscription version of the free MDN Web Docs that offers additional features and helps with funding the free version (which won’t change and remain as it is).
- Notifications: You can follow pages to get notifications for updates.
- Collections: Collections can be created manually or by tracking which pages you visit often.
- Offline mode
There are 3 plans:
- MDN Core (free): try a limited version of MDN Plus for free.
- MDN Plus 5 (USD 5 per month, USD 50 per year): unlimited access to notifications, collections, offline mode and other features that will be added in the future.
- MDN Plus 10 (USD 10 per month, USD 100 per year): MDN Plus 5 and early access to new features and a direct feedback channel to the MDN team.
- MDN Plus is initially only available in the USA and Canada.
- In the coming months, it will expand to other countries including France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Austria, the Netherlands, Ireland, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Malaysia, New Zealand and Singapore.