ES.nextNews: the latest in JavaScript and cross-platform tools
Curated by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer and Johannes Weber. News

The latest in JavaScript and cross-platform tools

Rome Formatter, a new formatter for JavaScript and TypeScript
  • Rome Formatter mimics Prettier’s styling as much as possible.
  • Existing code formatters are not robust w.r.t. syntax errors: a single error can hold up formatting for the rest of the code. In contrast, Rome Formatter works well with incorrect code.
  • Implemented in Rust and 9–12 times faster than Prettier in their tests.
  • Future: Rome Formatter will be expanded to support more web languages such as CSS, HTML, and JSON.

ShadowRealms – an ECMAScript proposal for a better eval()
Class ShadowRealm provides a new way of evaluating code at runtime – think eval() but better:
  • Each instance has its own global JavaScript scope.
  • Code is evaluated in that scope. If it changes global data, that only affects the ShadowRealm, but not the real global data.

How ES Module Shims became a production Import Maps polyfill
Import Maps are now supported by 70% of users and Firefox just announced they are starting to implement them. For browsers that don’t support Import Maps, we can use ES Module Shims, a production-suitable polyfill. This post provides deeper insight into this polyfill:
  • The project’s architecture
  • How the polyfill mode came about
  • Performance benchmarks
  • Ideas for the future of the project

14 ESLint rules to help you write asynchronous code in JavaScript
Explains how the following ESLint rules can help with asynchronous code:
  1. no-async-promise-executor
  2. no-await-in-loop
  3. no-promise-executor-return
  4. require-atomic-updates
  5. max-nested-callbacks
  6. no-return-await
  7. prefer-promise-reject-errors
  8. node/handle-callback-err
  9. node/no-callback-literal
  10. node/no-sync
  11. @typescript-eslint/await-thenable
  12. @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises
  13. @typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises
  14. @typescript-eslint/promise-function-async

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