ES.nextNews: the latest in JavaScript and cross-platform tools
Curated by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer and Johannes Weber. News

The latest in JavaScript and cross-platform tools

Node v18.3.0 (current): util.parseArgs() and more, @nodejs
The highlight of this release is the new function util.parseArgs():
import { parseArgs } from 'node:util';
const args = ['-f', '--bar', 'b'];
const options = {
  foo: {
    type: 'boolean',
    short: 'f'
  bar: {
    type: 'string'
const {
} = parseArgs({ args, options });
console.log(values, positionals);
// Prints: [Object: null prototype] { foo: true, bar: 'b' } []

Processing Arrays non-destructively: for-of vs. .reduce() vs. .flatMap()
This blog post compares three JavaScript constructs for processing Arrays non-destructively: for-of loops, the Array method .reduce(), and the Array method .flatMap(). It explains how the latter two work. To get a feeling for how these constructs differ, the following functionality is implemented with each of them (if possible):
  • Filtering an input Array to produce an output Array
  • Mapping each input Array element to one output Array element
  • Expanding each input Array element to zero or more output Array elements
  • Filter-mapping (filtering and mapping in one step)
  • Computing a summary for an Array
  • Finding an Array element
  • Checking a condition for all Array elements

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relative-deps: managing local dependencies without the limitations of npm/yarn link
This library “installs dependencies from a local checkout, and keeps them in sync, without the limitations of npm/yarn link”.

How we converted our Node.js library to Deno (using Deno)
www.edgedb.comgithub/jaclarke, @edgedatabase
“At EdgeDB, we built and maintain a first-party client library for Node.js that’s available as the edgedb module on NPM. However, Deno uses a totally different set of practices to handle dependencies, namely direct URL imports from public package registries like We set out to find a simple way to “Denoify” our codebase; that is, generate a Deno-compatible module from our existing Node.js implementation with minimal refactoring.”

They used Deno’s Node.js compatibility library and wrote a codemod to add the filename extension .ts to imports, change usages of global Node.js variables such as process and Buffer to Deno-specific imports, etc.

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