ES.nextNews: the latest in JavaScript and cross-platform tools
Curated by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer and Johannes Weber. News

The latest in JavaScript and cross-platform tools

Typed JavaScript? For real? The “type annotations” proposal and what it’s all about [26-min. video], @giltayar
An introduction to the ECMAScript proposal “Type Annotations” (by Gil Tayar, Daniel Rosenwasser, Romulo Cintra, Rob Palmer), which is currently at stage 1. This proposal provides optional type annotations for JavaScript. These annotations are ignored at runtime by JavaScript engines but used at development time for static type checking by tools such as TypeScript and Flow.

ESLint v8.26.0 released, @geteslint
Highlights (quoting the blog post):
  • The no-implicit-globals rule now supports /*exported*/ directive comments.

  • The ESLINT_USE_FLAT_CONFIG environment variable can now be used for more control over switching between the current and the new config system.

  • The @eslint/create-config utility to create ESLint config files has a new option --config:

    npm init @eslint/config --config semistandard

ESLint use at Cesium through years of a changing ecosystem, @CesiumJS, @geteslint
CesiumJS is an open source JavaScript library for 3D geospatial visualization. The blog post describes:
  • How the project uses ESLint in Visual Studio Code, via pre-commit hooks and during continuous integration.
  • How they use shareable ESLint configurations.
  • How ESLint helped them migrate to from ECMAScript 3 to ECMAScript 2020.

[Videos] ViteConf 2022: 42 talks about tools and frameworks in the Vite ecosystem

[Videos] Nordic.js 2022: 28 talks about JavaScript

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