ES.nextNews: the latest in JavaScript and cross-platform tools
Curated by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer and Johannes Weber. News

The latest in JavaScript and cross-platform tools

Announcing Rome v10

We are thrilled to announce Rome v10, the first stable release since the start of the Rust rewrite. Rome is an ambitious project aiming to unify the dozens of frontend language tools into a single easy-to-use tool built from scratch.

This release includes our fast linter and formatter; they require minimal configuration, come with beautiful and descriptive diagnostics, and have built-in support for JavaScript and TypeScript.

Parcel v2.8.0
  • New bundling algorithm with improved automatic code splitting: 2.7 times faster, 2.5 times smaller
  • Incremental bundling: 10 times faster rebuilds
  • 6 times faster hot module reloading (HMR)
  • Better tree shaking with code splitting: up to 50% smaller entry bundles

μtap: TAP formatter that works well with the built-in Node.js test runner
Quoting the project’s readme:
A micro TAP formatter that works very well with the Node >=18 built-in node:test harness.
  • The output format is inspired by AVA.
  • Less than 100 lines of code, and a single chalk dependency.

pnpm v7.15.0
Highlights (quoting the release notes):
  • Support --format=json option to output outdated packages in JSON format with outdated command.
  • A new setting supported for ignoring vulnerabilities by their CVEs. The ignored CVEs may be listed in the pnpm.auditConfig.ignoreCves field of package.json.

npm v9.0.0 released
Quote: “Our goal with this major release was to standardize appropriate defaults and clean up legacy configurations where possible. We believe the changes made lay the ground-work for future improvements to the default npm experience long-term. Notably, Docker users should find this release to to be beneficial as we simplify file permissions.”

Safari Technology Preview 157, @webkit
Highlight: support for class static initialization blocks

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