ES.nextNews: the latest in JavaScript and cross-platform tools
Curated by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer and Johannes Weber. News

The latest in JavaScript and cross-platform tools

Deno 1.28: stable support for npm
deno.comgithub/bartlomieju, github/dsherret, github/lambtron, github/ry
Quoting the post: “Deno 1.28 stabilizes npm compatibility, which means you can now import over 1.3 million npm modules in Deno. Building apps will be easier and more secure than ever, now that you can use your favorite persistent data modules such as Prisma, Mongoose, and MySQL, as well as frontend frameworks such as React, Vue, etc.”

Node v19.1.0 (current)
nodejs.orggithub/RafaelGSS, github/nodejs
  • Function mocking when using the Node.js test runner
  • recursive support on Linux

ESLint v8.28.0 released
eslint.orggithub/mdjermanovic, github/eslint/eslint
  • The no-magic-numbers rule has a new option ignoreClassFieldInitialValues.

Learn why Jest breaks the instanceof operator
Jest uses Node’s node:vm module to run test code. As a result, the instanceof operator doesn’t always work. This blog post explains why. It also describes how this issue may be fixed in the future and workarounds that you can use right now.

Lerna Reborn [25-min. video], github/lerna/lerna
Quoting the video’s description: “Lerna blazed the original trail in the open-source JavaScript monorepo space
now that the Nrwl Team has taken over stewardship of the project, we want to share some of the great updates we’ve made over the last few months as well as what we have planned for the near future.”

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