JSPM CLI relaunch: import map package management tool
The JSPM CLI generates import maps:
- You can add packages to local import maps as you would with
npm install .
- The JSPM CLI respects
package.json version ranges. The module specifiers for packages can be mapped to node_modules directories, arbitrary module URLs and Content Delivery Network (CDN) providers.
Vite 4.3 performance benchmark
- Vite 4.3 is much faster than Vite 4.2.1.
- Its performance is close to Turbopack now (sometimes it is slower, sometimes it is faster).
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Fast set operations via bigints
Quoting the Mastodon post: “If you ever have the need for high performance JavaScript Set comparisons, merges and intersections: BigInt has you covered! Provided you can assign an index to all possible Set elements.”